Lower Decks Press had a quiet year. Each of us had to step away from publishing for various reasons this year. Co-founder Rohan O’Duill departed to focus on other things. But while there were no new books in 2024, we didn’t lose our passion for stories. In fact, the time offline only made us more eager to put new science fiction out into the universe.
As returning guests have surmised, our online home has undergone a redesign. Our intention was to use a fresh, new look to announce our return to active publication; look forward to multiple new books from LDP in 2025, including the next installment in Rohan’s Cold Rush series as well as the resumption of regular posts to our digital magazine, Signals. Expect more information on these and other developments in the very near future!
Thank you for visiting us, whether for the first time or the first time in a long time. It’s good to be back.