Mars is a dystopian cesspit of corporate exploitation. A child labourer must turn the heart of a ruthless enforcer to save her friends, her family, and Mars itself.
The first book in the ‘Cold Rush’ Verse follows nonbinary special agent Olgo as their corporate masters send them on a mission to Mars.
But improving the working conditions in the planet’s underground cities proves more challenging than the agent could have imagined. Olgo must negotiate with the underhanded Martian Guild, union upheaval and a squad of trigger-happy mech marines. An unlikely friendship turns Olgo’s world upside down as they struggle to prevent spilling more blood on the Red Planet.
“This book was an unexpected treat. I had vague Bladerunner meets Total Recall thoughts from the blurb and description, before I started. But the novel forged its own path and one was soon immersed in the author’s own unique world.”
— Infinity Wanderers Magazine